Defence of the Ancients 2 Valve announced their involvement in the development of Defense of the Ancients 2, gaming news places around the world crowded. For those who haven't heard of Defense of the Ancient, or DotA for short, it is the innovator of the Multiplayer Online Battle Arena genre in video games. DotA originated as a custom-built situation for the widely popular Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, whose exploitation is helmed by Icefrog.

The rise of DotA could be attributed to the fact that it was built for all levels of society and by the community. Its notoriety skyrocketed to the millions in 26 different languages worldwide, spawning competitive tournaments such as the World DotA Championship( WDC) and the SMM Grand National DotA Tournament with cash prizes up to USD3 2,000. Since its liberate, DotA has become a staple at Blizzard Entertainment's BlizzCon and the Asian World Cyber Games, as well as the Cyberathlete Amateur and CyberEvolution conferences. Gamasutra was indicated that DotA was perhaps the most popular"free, non-supported tournament mod in countries around the world ". Its renown has also imparted contestants looking for a cut in the profits, with similar MOBA-styled tournaments such as League of Legends and Heroes of Newerth popping up.

Fast forward to the present era 2010, DotA 2 is in preparation by Valve together with Icefrog. While DotA has always been free to performance scenario, not counting the initial obtain of Warcraft III, this new tournament under Valve heralds the start of its commercialization, but whether it becomes Free-to-Play( FTP) with an in-game money shop or Pay-to-Play( PTP ), remains to be seen.

Regardless, there is no doubt DotA 2 would have a warm reception, evaluating from the current player base, though gameplay-wise Valve has high expectations to fulfill.


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