Airdrop Loot
The only real reason why you would want an airdrop is that of the exclusive loot that it contains that can have a great impact on your competition. We'll list all the loot that you can get out of it, what it is, and if it's worth picking up compared to what you've already got.
Airdrop Weapons

* The Groza, an Assault Rifle that can only have a Suppressor on the snout of the weapon and an Extended Magazine+ Scope. This weapon principally isn't worth picking up since it isn't that great compared to other Assault Rifles due to the fact that it has a relatively bad spray pattern and no Compensator/ Flash Hider to put on it.
* The AUG, an Assault Rifle that is very superior in comparison with the Groza since it's just better in every space. It has a most stable spraying blueprint, can use every muzzle connect and it can use a Foregrip. This Assault Rifle is stat-wise the best Assault Rifle in the game currently and is always a worthy pick-up compared to all the other ARs.
* The AWM, a Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle that has understood the most debate around it compared to all the other artilleries in video games. With the fastest bullet rapidity in the game, exclusive. 300 MAGNUM ammunition and highest shatter even being able to a one-shot person with a stage 3 Helmet build it perfectly the best long-range weapon that's currently available in the game. The only two downsides of this weapon are that it only comes with 20 bullets and its iron seeing is perfectly pointless, not that you should be using it without a scope larger than 2x anyway.
* The M24, another Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle that got buffed in the 1.0 patch with its injury. This gun feels inferior to the AWM but still has a lot more injury than the Kar9 8k leaving an adversary with a tier 3 helmet at 2 HP if you headshot him. The upsides of small arms and light weapons are that it has really fast shooting speed, more commonly encountered ammo, and relatively low kickback when you've shot it. This moves it always a good pick up.
* The Mk14 is a Semi-Automatic Sniper Rifle that is likely to have the highest vertical and horizontal rebound in video games. The reason I say " maybe" is because Bluehole( PUBG's developers) doesn't actually release the statistics of every handgun. The Mk14 is a very strong grease-gun that suffers from the provisions contained in having to crouch/ prone while hitting or attaching a Compensator on it otherwise the missiles will sway to the side and not actually smack anywhere near your target.
* The M249 is one of the 2 LMGs( Light Machine Gun) that are currently in video games. This gun has the biggest publication in video games and uses 5.56 ammunition. If you practice with it a lot, it becomes an extremely feasible weapon, and for newer musicians, it may be a artillery you should forestall. It has a little less wild spraying motif than the AK but virtually parallels it. Beware, the committee is also taking around 6 seconds before you actually can hit it again when "you're going to" reload. The M249 is better used to destroy vehicles.
Airdrop Equipment and Consumable
*The Ghillie Suit is a very rare drop that spawns in the airdrop, manufacturing you virtually invisible when extending prone in the grass. There are different Ghillie Suits depending on which delineate you're on, but the one on Erangel actually has enough bushes and grass to make it viable compared to the Miramar counterpart since Miramar primarily expends mountains and rocks as cover.
* The degree 3 Armed Helmet/ Vest/ Backpack are common drops and self-explanatory. These parts always spawn in combination with one of the weapons.
* The 15 x scope is an extremely rare attachment and is largely used in the mid-game because it zooms in very far when you've reached the late game.
* Adrenaline Syringe is the best "booster" component in video games giving you 4 full rails in the time-span of 10 seconds, be sure to use this before fighting rather than in-between crusades with other musicians due to a large amount of period that it takes before it goes into effect.
When Should You Go to the Airdrop?
Knowing the rewards that the airdrop may produce, it's now easier to answer the question of when should you go the airdrop? There are many aspects of the game that could have an impact, some of which you are not able to even know yet and could add some food for thought.
The first aspect is the most obvious one. Where did it territory? This is completely random and it can even fall over from trees but if it's on flat territory, it's mostly a no-go. If it's on flat country, you are able to primarily exactly try to snipe people trying to go for the sweetened plunder that's in the airdrop or you are able to ballpark your vehicle in front of it, blocking anyone's sight on you while trying to loot the airdrop.
The second aspect of video games may seem easy but is hard to focus on. The sound of gunshots and vehicles are very important to keep track of before even going anywhere near the airdrop. Park your vehicle in front of the side where the gunshots came from to block the shots or brick that guidance with the container. Just be careful, the container doesn't include a lot of gunfire angles due to the relatively small size of it allowing parties to still hit you once they move like 20 meters to the left/ right.
The third aspect of the game that you should really remember is when the airdrop is dropping take into consideration where the air lane of the current recreation was. If it was close, it means that a lot more players will see where the airdrop gets secreted from the plane and correspond to it in whatever space they want. Just be aware that a lot more players wanted to go airdrop than you may think.
The fourth and final characteristic of video games that you should ever keep in mind is are the reinforces really worth it? For a sample, if you've already got a Kar9 8k and a fully loaded M416 is it even worth risking a speedy fatality to get a artillery you're maybe less familiar with?
Here is a video on how to get more airdrops and die less.
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