PUBG: where to find the best loot on Erangel

Loot in PUBG is rendered at random, but according to certain rules- so you could go to a locate knows we high sums of immense loot and come away with nothing immense, or you could go somewhere median and get something stunning. In other terms, it's a game of peculiars, and generally, if you play in accordance with the curious you'll come out on top.

We'll start with Erangel's pillage, separating it down into segments, from high-quality high-risk through to low-quality low-risk locations, and then do the same for Miramar precisely below. Do note, of course, that situations like the relative "risk" of a place varies from game-to-game of course- Miramar's Hacienda, for example, is high risk because it's popular and regularly for the purposes of the flight path, but that doesn't mean there won't be the peculiar activity where it's far enough from the flight path for you to race there early and plunder in relative security!

Military Base:
  • Loot quality: Very High 
  • Loot quantity: Very High 
  • Risk: Very High
pubg military baseको लागि तस्बिर परिणाम

 The Military Base, on Erangel's smaller, southern island, has the most consistent sum of high-quality, military-grade pillage. Armed position symbolizes acts like position 3 helmets and body armor, bountiful scopes and affections, medical paraphernalia and assault rifles.

It's almost always busy, but it's so vast that your whole force could loot it and not notice another one doing the same. Aim for the three long builds in a U-shape for thick-witted quantities of plunder that's easy to work your space though. If you can get here from a flight path that's quite far away, say via a fast vehicle like a bike, then it's an incredible target to loot in serenity- but really be wary of" bridge trolls" waiting to waylay you on the way to the mainland.

  • Loot quality: High
  • Loot quantity: High
  • Risk: Very High
 pubg schoolको लागि तस्बिर परिणाम

The School- the big, center square-shaped build by Rozhok- is massively favorite, and thus massively dangerous, because it's dead central positioning almost always introduces it within territory interval of a sag from the plane.

The loot isn't military-grade, but there's probably a full squad's worth there- if it's at the edge of parachute distance then opposing it out with( and hopefully demolishing) one other participate or squad is a great way to begin yourself up for a very strong push into the lake recreation. Lots of grade 2 paraphernalium, good nuclear weapons and connects and medical loot, too.

The nearby "puzzle" constructs towards the east( that look like jigsaw slice on the map) is a great plaza to break out to, as is Rozhok. Just be wary of how open you are in the fields around it!

  • Loot quality: High
  • Loot quantity: Very High
  • Risk: Very High
pubg pochinkiको लागि तस्बिर परिणाम

Stop landing here! Unless you want to practice, warm up, or die instantly that is. Pochinki has good pillage and loadings of it, but it's always packed, it's very hard to know where other teams are( and so very easy to be killed by them) because of the sheer number of places to hide, and it's just generally an all-round demise zone.

Great for performing though, or disaster looting if you're circulating through and short of gear later on, but there are other similar options with the slightly lower gamble and slightly higher honor that isn't far away. It's fine to go for it, just don't expect it to be safe, ever.

Hospital( plus Georgopol crates and south constructs ):

  • Loot quality: High
  • Loot quantity: Very High 
  • Risk: High
pubg hospitalको लागि तस्बिर परिणाम

The Hospital-Georgopol-crates area is all sort of connected. The good situate is perhaps the Hospital- the H-shaped building just south of the city- as there are vast quantities of loot that's just below military-grade jam-pack into its various passageways here, enough to kit out a full squad.

The receptacles, or makes, to the east of the town, is the next best plaza to disappear. The handful of repositories are the place to start, then wreak your action through the containers- and most importantly onto the top of them- to hoover up piles more good loot. Again, a crew can pretty much stock up here.

Finally the buildings- on the south coast, not the northern one, which can be astonishingly frustrating in matters of loot-to-time-spent-looting rate- are also full of good quality paraphernalium. You start to learn the internal structure of these homes quite quickly and can turn it into a very rapid procedure with some rule. The lowered jeopardy for all of these areas comes from the fact that they're out on the west coast, signifying less frequently for the purposes of the busy flight path.

 Mylta Power( and mini Power ):
  • Loot quality: Very High     
  • Loot quantity: High   
  • Risk: Medium
pubg mylta powerको लागि तस्बिर परिणाम

A personal beloved, the east coast's Mylta Power is a go-to lower when it's on the edge of the air lane. Thanks to its positioning, a track closely connected to Mylta Power is also close to the Military Base, Mansion, Prison and Novorepnoye, which are all more popular options- and often distract actors away from the Power plant.

The loot here is rarely armed position, although there's not quite as much of it. If you're lowering here immediately aim for the roof of the large rectangular light-green construct, scavenge that out, then go to the warehouses around it to finish off the sweep.

Mini Power is a great little recognize nearby. A single, unusual power plant organization with some outhouses around it, the exceedingly top floor often mansions sniper paraphernalium and we've frequently found tier 3 paraphernalium here too. Normally exclusively enough for one or two players though, so it should be coupled with a see elsewhere( like the prime Power plant !) if you're in a force. Be distrustful of crook participates though- we often find one or two stragglers turn up as we loot ourselves.

 "Novo," or Novorepnoye boxes:
  •  Loot quality: High  
  •  Loot quantity: Very High
  •  Risk: High
pubg novorepnoyeको लागि तस्बिर परिणाम

Novo is an entertaining one - it's right in the corner of the delineate so can leave you a little bit stranded, but there's always access to ships which can be very useful when employed well( to sneak into the late tournament ). The shipping receptacles( containers) are the best discern, so start with the warehouses there, then go through( and over the top of) the containers. Loads of plunder here, but the houses nearby aren't so good and be wary of both Military Basi participates and bridge trolls as you leave.

 Prison, Mansion and Shelter:

  • Loot quality: High     
  • Loot quantity: Medium 
  • Risk: High
pubg prisonको लागि तस्बिर परिणाम

We've to wrap these together as they're all nearby, and all small-time, thick-witted, self-contained areas that are favorite but solid options for looting, especially if you commute there from a more remote flight path to give yourself a security buffer before anyone else arrives.

They generally have enough plunder to kit out two parties or spread a bit thin between a full force, and our favorite. You'll often be combating it out with another force, which can retard you down but also leave you in a great smudge if you come out on top.

 Medium-grade municipalities( Primorsk, Rozhok, Quarry, Ferry Pier, Water Town, north Georgopol, Zhorki, Severny, Lipovka, Yasnaya Polyana ):
  • Loot quality: High 
  • Loot quantity: Very High  
  • Risk: High
pubg quarryको लागि तस्बिर परिणाम

Various" other municipalities" not specifically mentioned so far is often used blur into one. They generally have consignments of loot at a respectable rule, but it can take a while to actually get it because it's so spread out between large numbers of buildings.

Their popularity is heavily dictated by the air lane- generally, they're very popular if they're right underneath it, and much less so if further away from the plane. Very solid the possibilities and not at all to be ignored, especially if you feel you can get there quickly and safely, and have enough time to either grab a vehicle or are going to the safe zone when you're done.

 Settlements, shanties, villages, and buildings:

  • Loot quality: High    
  • Loot quantity: Very High    
  • Risk: High
pubg erangel buildingsको लागि तस्बिर परिणाम

The more you play, the more you'll familiarise yourself with these assorted the groups of builds around the map, and is very likely to have your own specifies for them amongst crews. Having a few "go-to" options that you repeatedly visit is a good way to get certainly familiar with your smothers and increase your chances of earning face-offs with other swindler squads nearby.

The loot is ordinarily serviceable if a bit sparse. A mixture of rank 1 and 2 paraphernalium with some sort of "long" grease-gun in each cluster, mixed with some SMGs and Shotguns. You can get by on these if you have to, but ideally exclusively when you have to.


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