Counter Strike:Tips and Tricks for a Newbie

counter strikeको लागि तस्बिर परिणामFirst off, it must be understood that in Counter-Strike: Source( CS ), there are several different map categories. These characters are :

Bomb Map( de )

The Terrorist goal in a missile delineate is to run to a specific location( observed on your delineate) and weed a bomb. The explosive is on a timer, so formerly "it's by" planted, you must represent it until detonation.

The counter-terrorist aim on missile maps is to prevent the terrorists from planting the missile at all costs. This is to be able to do by eliminating all of the gunmen, defusing the planted projectile, or( in some cases) representing the missile place until occasion runs out.

Hostage Rescue( cs )

In hostage rescue maps, the primary goal for counter-terrorists is to salvage hostages captivated and held by the Terrorists. You can also triumph by eliminating the terrorist team.

The Terrorist goal is to simply avoid the counter-terrorists from rescuing the captives by eliminating them, or maintaining restrict of the hostages until time runs out.

Bomb Maps- Counter-Terrorist

As a counter-terrorist on bombard delineates, your best bet( far and away) is to eliminate the gunman team so that they are able to plant the bombard. Defusing the missile does you a sitting duck, and this is a situation you want to avoid. Saving the gunmen looking to plant the projectile means you get to stay on the defensive, which gives you an advantage.

Bomb Maps- Gunman

As a terrorist, your only purpose is to completely overrun a missile website. If you can not take control of a rocket area within the first 30 seconds, your team will likely lose the round. The better strategy is to hurry-up everyone on a unit except in cases of 2 or 3( tops) to a single area. The other few players will act as a distraction at the other area, so the counter-terrorists guarding it do not come in as re-enforcements.

Hostage Maps- Counter-Terrorist

I have found the best strategy to be spreading the team out and criticizing from all angles. Coordinate a simultaneous attack if possible, but is ensured nobody just" guides in, artilleries firing," because that technique nearly pledges demise in a hostage map.

If one back of the two attacks manages to perforate through and get inside the expanse under Terrorist control, the rest of the team should move to that area in order to assist the attack.

Hostage Maps- Counter-Terrorist

As a terrorist, your alone strategy here should be to sit and wait. Your goal is for them to come to you. Sit, Wait, and SHOOT!

Generic Tricks

Fake Reload

Shootaround out of your handgun at the opening up of the competition. When you think( or hear) an antagonist nearby, switch to your pistol, press reload, and rapidly switching over to your main rifle. Most adversaries will jump out and attack when they hear the reload tone since they believe this defenseless.


This has become a staple of counter-strike over the past years, but some actors do not quite understand it. If you are in a firefight at straddle, you can strafe-shoot to maintain accuracy but still obligate yourself a difficult target.

The way strafe-shooting is done is by pressing( or tapping) the strafe key to getting your actor moving and secreting it just as you begin to fire. Your musician will continue to move for another step, but your shots will be accurate.

The AWP No-Scope

Many people have had problems with this, and it is really so simple. A No-Scope shot is when you film an opponent with a sniper rifle without utilizing the scope. For all sniper rifles, the cross-hairs have been removed when you are not utilizing its scope of application, and the weapons are incredibly inaccurate. This was done intentionally to pressure parties to use the scopes on sniper rifles. The difficulty with its scope of application is that it is difficult to constitute short-range shots, and your participate moves very slowly while searching through it, so you become an easy target. The solution to this is the No-Scope shot.

The No-Scope is done simply by pressing the right and left mouse buttons at the same time while your intended purpose is as close to the center of your aiming moment as possible( you have to estimate this ). The scope will get viewed for a small fraction of a second, and your shot will be accurate.


You will notice after playing Counter-Strike for a very long time that most musicians follow extremely predictable motifs. Ammunition is expendable, and any of the rifles( AK-47, M4, etc .) will imbue through about the first 3 inches of an area. When approaching areas that likely have antagonists on the other side, kill the area. You will often touch your enemies before they see you.


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