PUBG:Sanhok start orientations, programmes and where to land

We'll inform our dedicated guidebook to PUBG loot locations on all maps with Sanhok items soon, but for now here's a speedy running around of some of our favorites. A memo that on Sanhok, loot's pretty abundant across the board, so these are really just some of our highlights :

PUBG Sanhok best start orientations

    Camp Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie - Three mini armed groundworks can be found in similar positions in the east, west and south of the island, and they all play pretty much the same way: tumultuous if there's a direct flyover, a fragment little tumultuous if the plane's further away. A tone that loot's just as good, if not better, on the structures' roofs as it is inside.
    Ruins- A very cool little labyrinth of passageways and areas filled with high-grade( Level 3) pillage. The bordering mainstays outside have some passable pillage on them more if the middle's too rivalry.
    Mongnai- A nice little secret is this area in the exceedingly north-east angle of the map that looks like a coconut farm. We felt a Level 3 vest and an M24 here in one visit. The loot is sparse, but high quality, and can be found in all regions of the plantation as well as in the few buildings.

    Paradise Resort and Bootcamp - Both are big, center, high-density areas and if you've played PUBG much you'll is common knowledge that that entails. Absolute carnage, but lots of pillage. Good for some warmup gambling or target rehearse, not so good for actually triumphing a round.

    Docks- A smaller version of Erangel's Novoporonye, the docks are full of climbable ship containers with great plunder on them- but beware it's slow to traverse and leaves you rather uncovered, although I's been reasonably quiet when we've drooped there even further.

    Quarry- It wouldn't be PUBG without a target, but actually this one's flooded. Very high-quality pillage but it's spread out. Great for a crew, look to the groups climbable rectangular obstructs for the highest plunder density, and beware the vantage points that look over you from all angles as you scavenge.

    Mountaintop Ruins - A much smaller placed of ruining that's essentially one of those outdoor pillars and two small warehouse-shaped builds. The loot is average but rarely raced, and it provides you with a bright vantage point from the most significant the members of the delineate. Just beware getting stuck in the cliffs as you try to descend!

    Pontoons - The numerous shoreside pontoons( what we're calling those little organizations that just out to sea on little jetty-bridges) actually have some pretty respectable pillage, especially if you can scavenge through half a dozen of them and the buildings nearby alone. Just beware getting caught right out on the edge of the map when the blue zone starts to move in.

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