The best PUBG weapon- and why

Now you have all the essential info, it's time to do a bit thinking about how these play out in-game because cold, hard stats aren't everything. Here are our thoughts on the best artilleries in specific categories :

    Sniper Rifles - The breeze drop-exclusive AWM is the only rifle in the game strong enough to kill an unarmoured musician with a single shot to the chest, but the Kar98k is the next best happen that you can get from regular participate. It's the only non-crate rifle that is able to one-hit-kill a player in a Level 2 Helmet, is quite readily accessible, and necessary minimal attachments. Our next favorite is the SLR, which now trumps the SKS, thanks to the faster time-to-kill on top of the sustained semi-auto fire and great potential when it's maxed out with connects.
pubg kar98kको लागि तस्बिर परिणाम
 Assault Rifles - Despite being posterior of the heap for shots-to-kill, the rapid flame rate of the M249 causes it the shortest time to kill off an assault rifle. The Groza also utterly shreds - you've probably heard the highlight videos of parties use it to wipe out entire forces- but both of these are crate-only. The good regular artillery is still the M416 in our opinion, thanks to an opportunity for kitting out with affections, flexibility of barrage frequency and the ability to attach an 8x scope, although the early-days thought of the Beryl M762 is that it's an excellent option if you can dominate its hefty kickback, thanks to high-pitched basis mar and high rate of ardor. Instead, the QBZ is alarmingly steady when firing in automatic mode, drawing it a great option too. The M16A4 is also workable, and actually has a faster time to kill than any forbid the M249 if you can employer rapid-tapping for burst flaming. The SCAR-L is actually the quietest and has similar time-to-kill, constructing it great with a silencer in closer range engagement.
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SMGs- Contrary to some sentiments, we wish the UZI to all other SMGs. That's because it has by far the smaller missile spread( roughly half that of its nearest rival ), which is essential for SMGs as they rely on full-auto use, unlike ARs and Snipers. It's common, necessitates negligible connects enhancing the effectiveness, and the sheer terror inspired by its frequency of burn can be enough to put over inexperienced foes. Next up is the Vector, but this is merely viable when you have an Extended Mag, as its basis capacity of 13 rounds is just too low on its own, although it became more viable with Update # 12 on PC, reducing the time- and shots-to-kill noticeably.
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    Shotguns - The S12k come off on top thanks to the added utility of automatic shotgun volley. The' farmer' shotgun S686 actually has a slightly higher max charge of the shoot for its two rounds- but of course, there are simply two rounds you can fire at a time. The pump-action S1897 is the last resort.
    Pistols and Sidearms - The only sidearms worth carrying, outside of emergencies where you can't find anything else, are the Sawed-Off Shotgun, P18C, and the P1911. The Sawed-Off is possibly the best, as sidearms are actually for emergencies merely, and with that, all we need to do is carry a few rounds for it to be handy. The P18C is a bit of a powerhouse with full connects though, acting as a spare SMG if you're stuck for close-range alternatives- and had pointed out that handguns now have almost zero backlashes as of Update # 12. It's like playing classic DOOM and draws them much easier( and more fun !) to employ.
 pubg shotgunsको लागि तस्बिर परिणाम
pubg panको लागि तस्बिर परिणाम Melee and Other - If you're out for a chortle, the Crossbow is greatly enjoyable, especially if you get good with it and can find a Quiver. Back in the days of fog delineates it was also actually almost pretty good, extraditing totally silent kills from nowhere. Really though, outside of emergencies, the only thing you should be using here is the Pan, which should always be picked up on see and acts as some delightful" height 4" shield for your laughingstock. It's saved us more than a few times and is likewise surprisingly good for detriment as a last resort.

    Other things to consider - Finally, it's worth noting above all that any weapon is feasible if you're good enough at expending it, and personal penchants ever come into play. We like the UZI because of its condensed spread, for instance, and will almost always use it- but you might opt shotguns, or perhaps the M416 or AKM for close-range production because you can control them most effectively. Thoughts change quite frequently with PUBG, extremely, so save checking back after major spots and we'll inform this sheet to memo them. Who knows, maybe the VSS might have a resurgence?

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