PUBG: where to find the best loot on Miramar

The exact same principles apply for Miramar loot as they do for Erangel loot. Frequent flight-path spots with good plunder are high-risk, high-reward. Region further out or least known are a better option, and smaller colonizations are ordinarily okay for last resort but you should try to do better if possible. Let's dive into the specifics! Again, starting with the highest risk and rewards and going to the lowest.

Hacienda del Patrón (otherwise known as the murder house)
  •     Loot quality: Very High
  •     Loot quantity: Very High
  •     Risk: Very High
pubg Hacienda del Patrónको लागि तस्बिर परिणाम

An absolute fatality catch but enormous enjoyable and full to the brim with weapons, scopes, and tier 3 gear. The works. If you imagine a shoot-out with an opportunity at the best material, go for it.

The issue is this is bang in the middle of the map, so there are almost always beings here, and it's now so well-known that often you are able to motorcycle across half the map at top speed and still find someone waiting to select you off as soon as you walk in the door. Its deadliness is particularly prominent because of how small-minded it is. Imagine Erangel's School, exclusively more condensed, with better loot.

Pecado Casino and Gym:

  •     Loot quality: Very High
  •     Loot quantity: Very High
  •     Risk: Very High
 pubg Pecado Casino and Gym:को लागि तस्बिर परिणाम

Basically an alternative to Hacienda, this is another fatality catch right in the middle of the delineate with enormous loot and loadings of beings in one tiny area.

Use these two neighborhoods to warm up or to practice your combat knowledge, but you should really avoid them in recreations you're trying the very best to triumph unless you can be the first to arrive there from a distant flight path- but you'll have to be rapid if you do. Note that some guess the Gym building is actually better for pillage than the most popular and well-known Casino.


  •     Loot quality: Very High
  •     Loot quantity: Very High
  •     Risk: High

The Prison has probably the best plunder in video games, and consignments of it, especially in the main prison house( the one with broken down walls as objects of entry and, you know, the prison cells inside ).

The issue is it's right in the bottom left recess of the map and on an island of its own. That signifies it's hard to reach, it's popular where reference is is in reach because suddenly everyone wants to take their chance to go there, and it's also a nightmare if you get bad luck with a halo emerging at the other intent of the map.

There are vehicles to be found though, and there's nothing like tearing into the third halo at the last minute with tier 3 paraphernalium to throw the concerns of deity into campers.

Campo Militar (Military Base):

  •     Loot quality: Very High
  •     Loot quantity: Very High
  •     Risk: High
 pubg   Campo Militarको लागि तस्बिर परिणाम

Very similar to the Prison, only more spread out. Tonnes of pillage but it's often either farther away to be worth it, or extremely popular formerly it's in reach.

It's great for a crew, but not so much better for a single actor, as the loot is all so spread out, despite its sum and military quality. Of the two, the Prison is better in our opinion, and also a bit more fun, too.

 Los Leones:

  •     Loot quality: High
  •     Loot quantity: Very High
  •     Risk: Very High
 pubg    Los Leones:को लागि तस्बिर परिणाम

A bit of a Pochinki, this one- not a lot of degree in landing here outside of performing or the fun of early shoot-outs, because there are other homes just as risky but with better pillage nearby, or surely less risky with the same character of loot.

The abundance of high-rise buildings means you're disclosed when go, and adversaries could be absolutely anywhere. It's vastly favorite and slow to loot- but, all that said, there is a way to do it right.

Land in the warehouses to the south, and aim for the brown-brick ones that have an upper floor on the inside and some areas within. These storehouses generally have good automatic rifles and even up to grade 3 gear in them if you're lucky, very. They're less popular than the central municipality and faster to loot, and there's good better access to vehicles and streets nearby to make an escape to a safer blot formerly you're done.


  •     Loot quality: High
  •     Loot quantity: Medium
  •     Risk: Low
 सम्बन्धित छवि

Why does none estate here ?! Maybe they will now- this is a personal favorite, perhaps because we've had some good luck or perhaps because it's an obscured gem.

Ladrilleria, we find, certainly varies in caliber and sum of loot. The small-time, fenced-off outside orbit has sometimes had four M416' s and a load of ammo and level 2 gear lying around and sometimes been full of nothing but pistols.

It's almost always empty though, and the bonus is that it's right by got a couple of those good brown-brick storehouses across the road, there's a city only to the north, and almost always vehicles by that road more. It doesn't ever pay off, but if you're going for a safer guide then we like our stranges here.

 Minas Generales:

  •     Loot quality: High
  •     Loot quantity: Very High
  •     Risk: Medium
pubg  Minas Generales:को लागि तस्बिर परिणाम

Similar to Ladrilleria, this residence, we've procured, can be weirdly fairly for such a central spot. Our guess is that people are disconcerted by the shiny Hacienda, Pecado, and Los Leone's hubs nearby and only overlook it.

There's a huge amount of good but not stupendous pillage here, enough for a full squad, with the Graveyard nearby for overspill if you need to crest up. The groundworks of the large quarrying machines tend to have some of the best material, with a respectable gear on top of them, and usually some real plows inside the more administrative, multi-floor build in the area.

It can be a bit slow to work through is the only issue, and whoever triumphs out at places like Pecado and Hacienda nearby will be a threat.

Medium-grade towns (Impala, Puerto Paraiso, Los Higos, El Pozo, Monte Nuevo, San Martin, Power Grid, La Cobreria, etc.):

  •     Loot quality: High
  •     Loot quantity: High
  •     Risk: Medium
pubg  San Martinको लागि तस्बिर परिणाम

Just like the medium-grade towns in Erangel, this lieu has large amounts of decent pillage, but how safe "they're about" depends on how nearby the plane is at the start of the game. If it goes right over the top, there's normally somewhere better to make nearby.

If it's far away though, they draw very solid alternatives, especially when you're sure no one else territory in the field. The questions are the time it takes to clear them out due to how spread out the pillage is, but if you have experience then a better quality is actually good. Save a gaze on the clock and use them situationally, and you'll do well.

 Concrete structures - a hidden gem:

  •     Loot quality: Very High
  •     Loot quantity: Low to Medium
  •     Risk: Low
It's a specific type of building that you need to bear in mind here: the pair of concrete organizations, one half-finished, without a roof in just a regular rectangular condition, and the other with two floorings, one interior staircase, and an accessible roof.

Believe it or not these actual house military-grade, level 3 gear on the regular- we've regularly been sufficiently kitted out in Level 3 chest and backpacks with snipers or M416s from raiding precisely one or two of these. There isn't a huge quantity of loot in their own homes though- normally one or two ARs, some shotguns and backpacks, and then the good materials like helmets, armor and sniper equipment.

There's a terrific road you can do to raid various of these, coupled with some of the above red-brick storehouses, in quick succession: land on the countries of the western hem of Los Leones, where you'll understand a couple of these composites nestled together. Act your style south through them and then across the road to the south again, where the committee is multiple warehouses and more of these composites too- it gets busy though, so beware, but the plunder is often superb!

Settlements, villages and warehouses:

  •     Loot quality: Medium
  •     Loot quantity: Low
  •     Risk: Low
pubg miramar warehousesको लागि तस्बिर परिणाम

It can sometimes feel like plunder is harder to come by here than on Erangel but don't discount the various small settlements, the homes, and storehouses that are around. Learn the shape of them- the long ranches with a staircase and balcony at both ends, the two types of a depot, the square homes, and so on- and if you can sweep them quickly and move onto others nearby, you can do astonishingly well.

The issue is that Miramar, uniquely, is quite difficult to get out at various kinds of rate, thanks to its tricky terrain. If you're going for smaller settlements then, try to pick some with lots of others nearby that you can work through. If you're out in the sticks with no superhighways and automobiles nearby, you're in for a bit of a dreary game.

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